14 Nov 24 - 12:26
MorG: I just passed that info over to JERIC

MorG: Yeah, he's doing 4 more shows, one of them being Baltimore, which had gotten cancelled

sanityIssues: Oh?

j2brown: Looks like I may get a 2nd chance at seeing Hanz Zimmer Live.

sanityIssues: Well morning to you too Quicksilver. Yes, I am still in morning mode.

Finnster: Howdy Quick

Quicksilver: Morn' Sanity, Bru, Exo, Finn, et al

sanityIssues: Ok... power going off 3. Me 0. I'm in a losing battle today.

bruiser: hi Finn

bruiser: hi Morgy, hi rob, exo, bye Baghira

bruiser: Gren- that is correct

exocet: Nice pick SAm. Yes

exocet: Mmmmmm......GG! Yes

Finnster: yes .... yes I do

sanityIssues: Does Finnster accept the mission?

Mathias: Bye all i'm off, see you next day !

sanityIssues: Morning robw. And SirG of Mor who enjoys a good yawn now and then.

j2brown: Greetings robw720.

robw720: ahoy hoy, SST peoples

j2brown: Greetings MorG.

sanityIssues: *Stuffs a buffin in Sir G's Yawn*

MorG: *deep yawn*

sanityIssues: Yes, I did that on purposeCool

Mathias: Thy Sanitym it's perfect for the last 8 min of end my work day

j2brown: Farewell, Baghira.

sanityIssues: Bye Baghira!

Baghira: leaving now. bye everyone.

sanityIssues: Ack! That's the second time the power blipped today. Argh...

sanityIssues: Can you be redeployed to house work that doesn't pay Grenadier?

Grenadier: My wife says I can't retire. Ever. Smile